segunda-feira, 9 de setembro de 2024



This news about the landing of a strange aircraft fell, on the afternoon of the 7th, at 1:46 pm, like a bomb. The plane came from Venezuela carrying around 2,633.1 kg (78 bales) of cocaine on board. It is a Gilftream, with registration XA-SBT. 

It was never new to us. We have warned several times here on our blog that Guinea-Bissau was no longer an international gateway for drug trafficking, but rather became a transit route and one of the sales and consumption stations.  

The Timorese leaders, in the person of Mário Alcatiri and facts, through public communication and insults from the President's Advisor, Dr. Fernando Delfim da Silva, whose thesis was corroborated by the Guinean PR. 

Since December 4, 2023, the political responsibility of the State has been centralized in the figure of one person, President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, General Umaro Cissoco Embalo. It is up to Him and Him alone, then, to answer for what happened, without trying to shake off the water for the weakest link, which are His ministers. Well, we know that he is, practically, the only President of the Republic in the world, owner of a private jet, who does not reside full time, that is, for even a week, on land, talking to the people who, at any time, elected him. The money that he uses outside the General State Budget to entice his political opponents, which he never explained its origin, etc., etc.

Heads have to roll, starting with the PR of Guinea-Bissau.